Monday 15 December 2008

New Business

James has established a new business to enable him to continue working from home. It's called Seren-IT, which is a name that works in English and Welsh and on a number of levels.

Seren-IT designs and distributes funky email newsletters, creates websites, and produces documents for printing, amongst other things.

Check out the new website:

James's brother, Tim, has also recently set up a business. He's just received his first delivery of sofas to sell:

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Bracken! by Dana Kittle

Bracken! by Dana Kittle
Tree on one of our sloping meadows

The Barn by Dana Kittle

The Barn by Dana Kittle
This is our Welsh Barn which we have just bought. Our architect has confirmed that the old crucks we've found inside date it to being at least 300 years old.