Wednesday 20 August 2008

So that was the summer

Now playing: Brett Dennen - Billie Jean
via FoxyTunes

Well what a damp old summer that was! Amusingly our cat is insistent on going out, even in the worst of it. Looking back I said he would never become a true country cat, well I retract that completely, sadly he is catching everything from field mice to moles and romping in puddles with the best of them.

Thankfully the yurt has stood up to all the weather that the Atlantic could throw at it and to ensure that we have a cosy and dry Autumn we have indulgently bought a Nordica/Brosley Rosa woodburning range... plenty of room for roasting veg, yorkshire puds, James' homemade pizzas.

With respect to the barn we have submitted preplanning documents and await to hear whether the council are happy with them, whilst we have outline planning permission we want to green it up a little. We are also going on the advice of our structural engineer who recommends that, as it's an old cruck barn, the walls were not made to carry the full weight of a roof. Now that it does carry the weight of a rodf it's pushed the walls out slightly, the current planning stipulates that there has to be a concrete ring around the top, we have come across a better approach where the weight of the roof is taken by a frame inside removing the need to put any weight on the structure at all. We shall see.

We also took a little bit of a break. One weekend was spent going to the fabulous Small Nations Festival just up the lane in Cilycwm, a stunning place for a festival and a great event if you are ever in the area. We got to do a few walks, had friends and family visit and went the National Botanic Gardens just down the road. Friends also came to visit us and managed to time it perfectly on the weather front, it seems that when people come to see us the sun comes out...

James' mom and I cleared out the old garden which was very satisfying and our friend Ian and James cleared out the old orchard.. discovering two cars in the process! James' dad built lots of things and James' brother came down and chopped up lots of wood for us.. Hoorah for friends and family.

We have also had fun with our new tractor.. yes we ended up buying a tractor because it was becoming an impossible task to keep on top of everything. It's a suitably sized one, in other words it's quite dinky. Unfortunately the lorry driver who delivered it also drove off the edge of the drive and did a significant amount of damage to it trying to get it out... the air was somewhat blue around me! However the tractor has been a fantastic addition and we are able to do more tasks as a consequence.

Bracken! by Dana Kittle

Bracken! by Dana Kittle
Tree on one of our sloping meadows

The Barn by Dana Kittle

The Barn by Dana Kittle
This is our Welsh Barn which we have just bought. Our architect has confirmed that the old crucks we've found inside date it to being at least 300 years old.