Monday 26 October 2009

a bit of an update

Ok we've had an email from the LA, it seems to contradict itself and doesn't make sense. So we are still in the dark. We have confirmation that we are legally in the right so we are still hanging on in there.

So we had a stunning spring and reasonable summer and now we seem to be entering a pleasant autumn, other than the fact that we have been in a living hell at times it's all tickety boo!

The gardens are coming along, the pond is looking great, damselflies, dragonflies, broad bodied chasers, diving beetles and whirly gigs have taken over. The heron makes a regular visit and I guess is munching on frogs. The swallows and bats love the pond with the swallows dipping into the water over the summer months. It's a fascinating thing watching it all develop.

We have laid out a lot of beds and we are just getting them planted up with garlic, onions and various brassicas. Our rasberries, donated by our lovely neighbours across the river, have romped away giving us a lovely and unexpected crop.

We have two ducks now, Poly and Pato, and love them they lay two eggs a day regular as you like. Sadly Gloria the chicken died, don't know what happened...

Hope to be updating this with something positive soon.

Bracken! by Dana Kittle

Bracken! by Dana Kittle
Tree on one of our sloping meadows

The Barn by Dana Kittle

The Barn by Dana Kittle
This is our Welsh Barn which we have just bought. Our architect has confirmed that the old crucks we've found inside date it to being at least 300 years old.